Free Radicals and Antioxidants
19 Dec

Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Posted By: William Times Read: 2287

Antioxidants frequently come up in discussions about good health and preventing diseases. These important substances are found in fresh fruits and vegetables that we eat. Antioxidants are vital to having good health because if free radicals are left unchallenged, they can cause a broad range of illnesses and disease. But what exactly are Antioxidants and how do they work?

First off, it is important to understand that oxygen, the molecule crucial for life on Earth, makes our atmosphere highly reactive. The air we breathe in is both good and bad for us. On one hand oxygen is needed for life, but on the other hand, it also causes many diseases which ultimately leads to death. 

Whenever we take a breath, a complex set of chemical reactions takes place in our bodies which allow us to produce and store energy known as oxidation. However, during this process, a small amount of oxygen is converted to a toxic form that is damaging to our cells. This is called free radicals.

Free Radicals are molecules that have an extra unpaired electron which can cause severe damages. Electrons strongly prefer to go around in twos, and single particles are very unstable. Free radicals hate being alone and are always searching for other electrons. They have the tendency to steal an electron back from neighboring molecules which destabilizes them. This creates a chain reaction of damaged molecules turning into free radicals.

However, this is where antioxidants come in. If a molecule loses an electron and turns into a free radical, the antioxidants molecule can “give” the free radical an electron effectively neutralizing it.  Antioxidants are any substance that inhibits oxidation. Some examples of antioxidants that you might encounter on a daily basis are flavanols (found in chocolate), lycopene (found in tomatoes), vitamins A, C, E, and much more. Benefits of consuming antioxidants not only reduces oxidative stress but also include:

•    Slower signs of aging

•    Healthier skin

•    Reduced Cancer Risk

•    Stronger immune system

•    Less risk for cognitive problems.


Currently, there is no official recommended daily allowance for antioxidants, but generally speaking, the more antioxidants you consume from eating real foods, the better. Make sure to have a healthy diet with a wide variety of color in fruits and vegetables. Here are some foods packed with antioxidants that you should try to incorporate into your diet!


1. Goji Berries

2. Blueberries

3. Dark Chocolate

4. Pecans

5. Artichoke

6. Elderberries

7. Kidney beans

8. Cranberries

9. Blackberries

10. Cilantro

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